Comprehensive Testing
We utilize a wide variety of tests to help us achieve a clear picture of exactly what the underlying cause of your issue is. Many of the tests we employ are not normally used in general medicine where "normal" ranges may not be the right range for you. These tests provide much more detail and insight into your current state of health. Depending on what your specific health challenge or goal is, we may utilize one or more of these tests.
Saliva testing can be used to measure many things including:
Hormones (male/female)
Adrenal function
Gastrointestinal function
Hair testing can help uncover issues with:
Heavy Metal toxins
Mineral Imbalances
A comprehensive blood panel to baseline many issues including:
Blood Sugar
Immune System
Vitamin/Mineral Levels
Urine Testing​
A urine test can be used to measure:
Neurotransmitter levels
A stool test can be used to uncover many issues including:
Enzyme counts
inflammation levels
Food allergies
Biomeridian testing (also called Electro-Dermal Screening) is a noninvasive method used to assess the energy meridians of the body. It gives us insight into organs and glands like the adrenals, immune system, and digestive system. Once these are scanned for any imbalances or deficiencies, we can test which nutritional supports work best for your body. Then a personalized protocol is formulated for each client, based on their results and circumstances.
Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS)
What tests are required?It really depends on your individual case. Sometimes testing isn't needed or you may need more than one test. This will be determined by your doctor.
How long does it take to get the test results back?It usually takes no more than two weeks to get all of the test results back and your personalized detailed report completed.
Can I get my blood work done through my other doctor?At Elements of Health, we have a custom blood test that provides us with information that normal blood testing does not. We utilize Lab Corp. to conduct our blood testing. They have offices around the country and we can assist you in locating the closest one near you. To find a location near you, you can also go to
If I am a virtual patient, how do I get tests completed?"Hair, saliva, urine, and stool tests can all be sent directly to your home. You'll complete them there and return them to our lab. We have partnered with Lab Corp. to create a specific blood test for EOH. These are quite prevalant throughout the country and can be located at All results will be sent to our office and a full analysis completed. We will then review all the results with you via either a video or phone conference.