The Art + Science of Healthcare
The Science
The Science-Based Nutrition™ program is an innovative, science-based look at nutritional strengths and weaknesses through an individual’s blood test and analysis of hair, urine, and stool. This scientific approach can offer a clear plan for optimum health. Problem areas are identified and carefully documented with major and minor conditions that may lead to serious illness. Certain tests when read properly will indicate that you are progressing towards a serious illness, such as cancer, diabetes, liver, heart, or many other diseases.
No general screening test is more efficient, effective and affordable than a comprehensive blood chemistry panel. It allows the healthcare provider to establish a baseline of biomarkers to track your health and nutritional needs. Getting a blood test is essential to understanding your current health.
As a result, a new generation of healthcare professionals is emerging with the tools that can reveal more subtle imbalances and assist in correcting them.
Sometimes, an individual case may call for specialized testing, such as tissue mineral analysis, food allergy, or other types of testing in order to identify other problem areas. When all of the test results are in, Dr. Jones will provide a personalized report. These reports contain a hard copy of all of your test results, an explanation of what these tests mean, and a complete list of the nutrients, vitamins, dietary requirements and other lifestyle changes necessary to start your journey back to health.
The Difference
Most blood tests are compared to “Normal Ranges” via your results report. If you are within the “Normal Range” you will most likely be told you are normal, which can be confused with being healthy. It does not necessarily mean you are healthy, as many people incorrectly believe.
Why not? The problem lies in how Normal Ranges are determined.
Normal Ranges are determined by taking approximately 100 to 200 people who tested recently with a particular lab (yes, they are determined by each individual lab and not a centralized agency).
These results are then averaged – this is the middle of the Normal Range. The high and low sides of the Normal Range will be two standard deviations from the average.
Unfortunately, most of the people’s results used in these calculations are flawed because they were having blood tests run in the first place because they already had a health problem!
Does it make sense to compare your blood test results to averages taken from people who were already experiencing a symptom? No. That is why being “normal” is not good enough! Normal blood test scores simply mean you are not yet as sick as the other people used to determine the normal range.
The Science-Based Nutrition report is the most comprehensive analysis available. Below are some of the key features that set it apart from others:
Individualized supplement recommendations & dosages specific to test findings, age, sex, & weight of the patient
Correlation of drug side effects with patient test finding
Dietary recommendations with meal recipes
Compare color-coded current and previous test results on the same page
Incorporates multiple factors for each condition or diagnosis including the patient's symptoms, medications, blood tests, hair tests, chelation, and urine tests